Wednesday, June 25, 2008

PUNKED by Luigi

It is a lot of fun annoying him, I would say. But when we are working, I have to be serious. So I was.

At one point, I got bored of waiting for someone, I think, so I said to him, "Hey, teach me to curse in spanish!"

He thought abit, then wrote "ojala te follen" in the worst handwriting i've ever seen on the piece of paper between us. I was happily trying to pronounce it and telling ND all about the new curse words I am learning when I stopped.

I asked, "So what does ojala te follen means?"
He said, "I wish you'd die"
I replied,"But that doesn't sound like much of a curse..."
He then said, "Actually it means, I wish you'd fuck me"
On hearing the word fuck I lit up and said, "So is it very bad???"
He said, "It is good!"

Then the tubelight that is me realised what it was all about. Damn!
Luigi - 1, Vuvie - 0!

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