Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A better visio diagram

Believe in making the best of anything I do, so I've decided to follow these rules in my visio network diagrams:

  1. Add title block to the network diagrams
  2. Third-party network shapes
  3. Manage network information
  4. Generate custom network reports
  5. Show IP addresses on network diagrams with "Label Shapes"
  6. Link the network diagrams together
  7. Save the network diagrams as web pages for ubiquity's sake


Stage Backdrop Design

So before I forget, we needed a backdrop for the stage. So I've amalgamated the poster designs to come up with this. It was a hit!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Tears from the heart

Today, I received an email for my demoreel. I thought they'd forgotten. Turns out the process took a loooooong time.

But I had a problem. A real big one. I haven't finish my thesis yet. So I did not spend any time at all on my demoreel. And I'd like to graduate. I'd like to graduate first. Oh but I am so close. So close I can taste it. I am so close to my dream.

So I cry. I cried for a lost opportunity. But then I realise... I am employable! Somebody actually didn't think I am all garbage. And I am motivated. I am so motivated now.

Let's go thesis. Allons y!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Final Poster of Year 2010

I've taken inspiration from these 2 sites:



And was planning to use images similar to these:



But since I've already coloured the cartoons provided by Emily, I've decided to just use those cartoons anyway. And borrowing ideas from the first 2 runway posters, made these 2 for printing: