Thursday, July 31, 2008

Monday, July 28, 2008

Randy Paush Lecture

I'm apprehensive.
I am not sure what I've got myself into. I am going to start my classes soon. I don't know what to expect... And then I saw this.

Now, I am ready. Oh I am so ready!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Sucker for: guy reading sci-fi

We were all packing into the lift, leaving for lunch when the book caught my attention before the person reading it did.

It's a sci-fi book. And he was intently reading it. I wanted so much to see the the title without appearing too nosy but it was hard.

Suddenly this guy looks so attractive to me that I can't help staring at... his book.

What is he reading??? I must find out!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Wearing: Masks

Is the bane of adulthood.

As much as we want to be ourselves, we cannot avoid this. To be successful at work, we must be capable of it.

Smile at the colleague when in actual fact, you feel like punching his face out ala Fight Club.

Nod in agreement when you don't agree because you know that guy doesn't know the answer to your question but didn't want to look stupid and decided to tell you some crap.

Say things like, "Oh! I am so glad to see you! How are you?" ecstatically, when in actual fact you were thinking in your head,"Aren't you the bitch from my past?".

Keep a poker face when the manager is saying things so stupid you want to laugh loudly but can't.

Listen to your colleagues; smile, nod, say "Oh, I didn't know that" "Really?" but actually, you are hearing nothing.

Sit in useless meetings exactly as Dilbert will describe it because you're no longer surrounded by cool colleagues. These bunch are just idiots. But what can you do?

I miss the days when we would be so honest with our own colleagues. Our brains' constantly working.
When all we ever slough for, is knowledge. The excitement of learning, and sharing and debating...
When everyday is war. Out in the battlefield. Making decisions based on very little, because you have people depending on you. Do or die trying.

Oh... I can't die a rusty death here... It's not right.
Not fair. Not fair at all!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Becareful: Because I am older now

I think... I have to be more careful these days... I am not a kid anymore.

These are the things I've always maintained:

1. Never like your dance partner. Very gross.
2. Never have anything more than professional relationship with your colleagues.

Now I think I have to add more:

3. Be careful of your male colleagues.

So horribly nasty! Only this year. Strange year...
If it happens again, then the problem definitely lies with me. Gotta do something about that!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Swimming: in my own bubble of thoughts

I believe a lot is happening at work, in other people's lives who are subtly connected to me. But here I am in my own thoughts, in my own world.

I've been talking to people I love; who're absolutely honest with me. And among these of old, sparkling honest friends I lie since May. Oblivious to the world around me.

For all I know, I am 16 again. I am 18 again. Meeting them for the first time. Studying together. Talking freely because nobody can hold me against my words.

As intelligent and logical as we all might be, in the end we are just human. We get emotional. There is always the battle between logic and emotion. And right now, I choose emotions. Emotions have been like a drug to me. Giving me a certain high that I don't want to drop from as yet.

I indulge in myself. My emotions, my words, my thoughts, my insanity.