Tuesday, August 26, 2008

When I just can't seems to understand polygon drawing

I've been scratching my face (yes, when other people're confused, they scratch their head. I know, but I scratch my face), trying to figure out a way to draw my model at least in mesh or polygon. But I'm still stuck.

I wonder if I am supposed to use the gl primitives or glu. Grr... It's been bothering me and I can't even eat due to this obsession.

Oh wait. Somebody is talking about polygon tessellation. Polygon what? Constellation? Castration? Eh?

A tessellation or tiling of the plane is a collection of plane figures that fills the plane with no overlaps and no gaps.

In the subject of computer graphics, tessellation techniques are often used to manage datasets of polygons and divide them into suitable structures for rendering. Normally, at least for real-time rendering, the data is tessellated into triangles, which is sometimes referred to as triangulation. In computer-aided design, arbitrary 3D shapes are often too complicated to analyze directly. So they are divided (tessellated) into a mesh of small, easy-to-analyze pieces -- usually either irregular tetrahedrons, or irregular hexahedrons. The mesh is used for finite element analysis. Some geodesic domes are designed by tessellating the sphere with triangles that are as close to equilateral triangles as possible.

Ok.... I sort of think I understand?

These days, I use my lunch hour for reading. In no time, I will be skinny again! Whee.

Hai... On another note, my faculty is going to use me as the face of Computer Engineering. Har? What? Like school mascot? Ya. My face will be on national newspaper! Crap. I hope it's at page 176. Yep the second edition that didn't get to print. Now everybody will know I am in grad school.

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