Friday, October 17, 2008

An ode to Space Invaders

Zin was asking me for a name for her mobile game application.

Even though it was actually a bird hunting game, her description reminded me of space invaders. So I told her she should name it that. Totally strange but quite funny.
Space invaders is the only game I like on our Atari 2600. My bro is pretty good in all the games but not me. I will start scratching my face because my Mario just can't jump high enough to get the mushroom. But I like space invaders. It's the only one game I am actually good at.
Sounds like a long time ago? Yes, it is a long time ago...

The other day we were playing Wii and Xbox 360.

Reminds me of so many things... because I am not as l33t as him, this is all I can say when he told me he had a Commodore. I gave him my heart and 7 (or was it 8? or 11?) years of my youth.

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