Thursday, March 19, 2009

Semester 2: Them

Prof Q

"How's my english? Ok?"
"A lot of maths har? It's not my fault. It's your fault. You chose engineering."
"Ah-har! Let's prove that! Good!"
"So we've proven that! Great. Good. Hehe. Maths again? Well, it is after all the tradition now."
"If you are going to do research on computer vision, you will definitely hear of this guy... And use his snake method and wavelet form... Clever clever guy." (in awe)

Prof Fox

"I can't help you there if your partner is a virtual partner..." Laughs to himself.
-When I told him I am not sure if my partner still wants me in her team for the paper reading.

"Here let me show you. If you sweep in parallel from x-axis, this polo mint will look like it's colliding with this object. But iterate the sweep through all 3 axis and you will realise it was just visual occlusion... Take polo at own risk. Hehe." Pops a mint.

He does all the yar and says idea as "ide" like a typical german guy.

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