Saturday, November 22, 2008


Well with the rate I torture myself, I guess I might be one of those closet BDSM kinda person.

So exams' over, I've submitted the project hours ago and I should be so relieved and sleep to make up for the past semester. But I can't. I mean yes, I am relieved and I woke up this morning shouting "Yay!" with my hands in the air (the other "Yay" is cause I will be seeing punjabi boy in January). But I can't sleep. I can't fall asleep. I just am not tired enough.
Maybe I am just hungry. I forgot to eat today. I just had some chips and coffee. That's lunch and dinner.

I can't sleep. I can't sleep. What do I do?? I fell into this site today. I forgot how. But I just did. So I started reading. And I thought, hmmm... Cool. Then I get a headache reading them. But I need to sleep and I will take any kind of torture just to be able to sleep. Or I could work on my Phong equation codes again. I don't want to. Too soon to start slaving away on the CG codes.

So here I am alternating between reading some call girls' blog and buying makeup online.

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